Sorry, James who?
James Harris! He is one of Middlesbrough's tallest children's authors! He is most likely not a rabbit although he does enjoy salads and hiding so we can't be 100% sure.
He was born and raised in the 1970's, which is a far-off mystical land where everyone lives in giant boiled sweets called "spangles" and every meal is prepared by adding water to various brightly-coloured powders. Flavours include "Angel's Delight" for pudding, "Angel's Concern" for lunch and "Angel's Regret" for all other meals.
He has since moved into the 2020's, where the puddings are definitely nicer.
For 40 or 50 years he did some stuff, you know, a bit of this and a bit of that (film making, sketch writing, stand up, that sort of thing) and then in 2019 he won the Hachette Childrens' Novel prize at the Northern Writers' Awards with his first ever book The Unbelievable Biscuit Factory
Later he went and wrote another one called Happytown Must Be Destroyed. Someone should probably stop him before he does it again.
He has always loved making stuff with his friends: home-made comics, music, comedy shows, zines, daft little films, sandwiches, all that. Occasionally one would get on telly or get shortlisted for some prize or other which meant James could travel somewhere, have some free buffet and applaud when someone else won the prize, which was lovely because boy, does James love a free buffet.
James is a mentor and workshop leader for Writers' Block North East, a creative writing and development company based in Middlesbrough.